Guest Blog - Dilan Perera

Uncategorized Feb 07, 2021

2020 was a rollercoaster year. Life as we know it fundamentally changed as our freedom was stripped away to protect the health of humankind. Still, stars cannot shine without darkness and challenging times certainly provide opportunities for life-defining learnings.

1. “Man belongs to the earth. Earth does not belong to man.”

From the global outbreak of a novel coronavirus through to raging bushfires, floods, earthquakes and cyclones, last year’s slew of natural disasters had a catastrophic impact on the world.

After decades of abuse and neglect, Mother Nature clearly had enough. The earth needed time to heal, so she forced humanity to do the same by taking the choice away from us. As borders shut and lockdowns were imposed, nature flourished. Contaminated waters turned crystalline blue. Polluted cities saw clear skies. Wildlife returned to the green corners of suburbs and city birds sang louder than ever before.

For all the advancements we’ve made as people, nature remains the greatest of equalisers. She may be forgiving but unless we are willing to make more sustainable choices, Mother Nature will eventually remind us who’s boss by leaving a clear message: Stop or be stopped.

2. “Be like a flower - survive the rain but use it to grow.”

2020 was a time of extraordinary change and the evolving circumstances required us to adapt rapidly.

Many individuals lost their jobs and were forced to find innovative ways to pay the bills. Businesses pivoted in order to stay afloat and some even managed to thrive by exploring new horizons. Supply chains were reset and often replaced with more sustainable solutions. Employees finally inherited the invaluable flexibility of working remotely. Educational institutions moved online with virtual classrooms. Physicians started offering telehealth appointments. People found new ways to maintain social interaction during lockdowns.

This pandemic has been a testament to how resilient we humans are. It has showcased our ability to get creative in the face of uncertainty, pushing forward and condensing decades of progress into mere days.

3. “Slow down. Everything you are chasing will come around to catch you.”

Often, the breadth of our professional responsibilities can lead us to rush through our days, forgetting to pay attention to the simplest of pleasures. However, with everything shut and cancelled during the COVID-19 outbreak, we were reminded of how enjoyable those little things can be.

Notwithstanding all the professional highlights, my greatest joys of 2020 were found in hundreds of ordinary moments. Slowly sipping coffee while working next to a sunny window, going for a daily morning walk to pick up fresh bread and croissants from the local bakery, being home to share dinner with my family every night and playing superheroes with our toddler in the middle of the day are some of my most treasured memories of 2020. These priceless moments are destined to shape my choices over the subsequent years ahead.

4. “Sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts.”

The worst times generally bring out the best in humanity and 2020 was no different. In a year filled with sorrow, consideration for others became a priority.

Neighbours checked in on each other from afar, even if they had never interacted before. Colleagues called on their teammates for mutual support. Bosses became far more understanding and empathetic towards their employees. Families stepped out of their houses to clap in unison for the critical workers who were keeping the world going. 

Last year, kindness became a critical currency in coping with tragedy and it must remain something that we build on moving forward.

5. “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.”

The uncontrollable nature of the last 12 months and the sheer scale of unexpected loss should be a clear message to us all: Don’t waste your life waiting for the right time. The right time to change jobs, buy that house, start a new hobby or travel the world will never arrive if you settle for thought without action.

Personally, applying this principle means starting a major renovation to create the home we’ve always wanted from our newly bought but charmingly old property. It means deciding on our next 5 holiday destinations, researching travel ideas with my wife and making plans with the intention of getting there at the first opportunity. It also means chasing new challenges in my professional life, while finally scaling up my side hustle (building a business dedicated to creating an unfair advantage for corporate talent). I’m genuinely excited by what’s ahead!

2020 showed us that life is indeed like a box of chocolates. If we are to learn anything from that experience, 2021 must be the time to become unapologetically you and take that leap of faith to live your life as intended.

What’s your most important life lesson from 2020?

About the Author: Dilan Perera is a senior business leader who leverages his passion for people development and extensive experience within business transformation, operations, marketing and innovation to create winning cultures that drive strong commercial growth.


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