'Don't lose your edge' by Andrew Roche

Don’t Lose Your Edge


Being out of work can be tough. It’s easy to become disconnected and lose your professional ‘edge’. Confidence can drain, your days quickly become unstructured and there can be moments when you feel helpless.


If this sounds like you then reach out. I’d love to see where I can help. If you’re stronger than this, then help others. There are many people not working who you can probably give a helping hand to. 


So, this is me. I’ve become compelled to do my best to try and help others and I’ve compiled my own #tips for getting through these important moments. Of course, these are just a few so when you think of better ideas please do share. 


  • Find your DIRECTION & Know What You WANT.


What’s your Passion? What have you always dreamt of doing but have never found the right moment? What’s stopping you? Perhaps now is your time, the moment to follow your dream. So before you start hitting Apply Now on Linked-In and Seek take some time to pause and reflect on what you really want and take aim in the right direction. 



  • What are you best at?


Spend absolute heaps of time thinking about what you are great at and where you excel the most at work. 

Apply for jobs where you 100% believe you will add value. This will come across perfectly in your cover letter and you’ll definitely be more inspiring in your interview

Think carefully applying for jobs that you simply think you might fancy. Stick to your strengths but have the confidence that they can easily be transferable between roles and industries


I firmly believe in ‘transferable skills’ but patience is important and there will be roles that emerge that are a perfect fit for you



  • Create a Strong Routine


Get up early. Exercise. Plan your day. Set challenges. Schedule set times (book appointments with yourself), keep a strong structure. 

At work, most of our days revolve around time. What time do I get to work, meeting times, appointments, travel time. Everyone is different but we’re all used to that way of operating. I believe it’s important to retain good structure in your day. It will help

I even find that wearing my usual work attire creates a different, better mindset than when I’m sat in shorts and T-shirt !



  • Exercise is Mandatory


No matter what your starting point is this one is non negotiable. Stronger body is stronger mindset. You can’t say you don't have time and it’s crucial for your mental health so nothing more needs to be said here. 


  • 3 Goals per day


Achievement is motivational and helps build resilience and positivity

If you lose your positivity and resilience it’s gonna get real hard, real quick

Set goals that focus on the process not the outcome (for example, a goal shouldn't be ‘get a job’, that’s the outcome of the goals). An example of this could be when you are notified you have an interview. Chances are you’ll get a few days notice. So, your goal might be ‘I’m going to practice answering key questions for 1 hour in the morning at 9am and 1 hour in the afternoon at 3pm for the next 3 days before the interview”. 

Personal daily goals are also helpful and will support your structure. 



  • What’s Your Value Proposition – Why You?


I’ve asked so many people lately a very simple question. Why would anyone hire you? The responses vary but I’m generally finding they aren’t compelling enough, articulate, succinct and don’t tell me about the ‘value’ you offer. 

Write down a 3-4 minute statement that describes the value and experience you offer. Practice it until you can make the statement without pause, stumble or referring to notes. 

This is YOU. Make it valuable. 

  1. And there’s no need to include how many pets you have and which football team you support!! 



  • Linked-In Profile


Your profile should sell you and tell a strong story about who you are and what value you bring. Most profiles I see simply let me know where you’ve worked and what you did. 

Include some achievements 

Look at as many Exec & Senior Manager profiles as possible and identify the best ones

Mine pretty much mirrors my Value Proposition



  • Practice, Practice, Practice (and Practice again)


Interviews aren’t easy. They shouldn't be either. 

Research the most common questions interviewers ask candidates. Consider any other questions you might be asked about the role. And seriously rehearse your answers. The more you practice your ‘lines’ the more fluent, confident and convincing you’ll be 

And only use positive language. Avoid using words such as ‘hope, might, think, try, possibly’. Replace with ‘expect, will, believe, determined, committed’ 



  • Network


Don’t just check Seek every day and then stop. There’s more to do!

Make sure everyone knows the position you are in. Don’t be invisible and afraid to let others know you are actively seeking a new opportunity. 

Be active and offer to meet up for coffee (where you can!). It’s great to network but also gives you chance to keep your confidence talking with people. Review people you know and review their profile on Linked-In. You’ll be astonished at who they are connected with and this will improve the chances of presenting opportunities that you may have overlooked. 



  • Use the moment


You will get work. It will happen. You need to deeply believe that everything will work out OK. You need to tell yourself this EVERY day. In the meantime, look at this as an opportunity you can take advantage of.

Read / educate yourself

Do a course/short qualification (I’m doing a Cert IV)

Reconnect with people you haven’t spoken to in a while

Find something new to do / develop a new skill

Be Present with your family 


Oh, and while you’re doing all this make sure you’ve researched what you are entitled to from Centrelink (or the equivalent agency in your home country). Don’t be so proud to think that you shouldn’t. The support is there to help your family so don’t ignore it. Every little helps.


Good luck………


GiFT631, FutureYou & #whatwinnersdo

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